Quo Vadimus
Pooping Back and Forth

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Telly Alert. #042:

From EW's recap of this past week's announcements of the fall 2005 television linueps (aka "upfronts" if you're into the whole industry jargon thing):

"We shot the pilot at the beginning of April and we were getting really funny dailies," says Paul Feig (FREAKS AND GEEKS), director of another highly anticipated -- yet ultimately rejected -- pilot, EARLY BIRD, based on Rodney Rothman's memoir about a twentysomething* who moves into a retirement community. "Then we started hearing 'Oh, it's the hot one.' I was feeling very optimistic, so when suddenly the word came that it didn't [go]...it was quite a shock. It just feels like FREAKS AND GEEKS all over again."

*Speaking of twentysomethings, the bastard people at ABC failed to pick up 1/4life, the new show from Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick, the duo responsible most recently for the glorious Once and Again. Word of warning for Aaron Sorkin: don't even bother with ABC for that new show revolving around a late-night sketch comedy show. Head straight to HBO, where you'll be safe as long as you don't put any carnies or preachers in it.

posted by Linus | 12:31 PM
