Quo Vadimus
Warm and Mandatory

Friday, June 04, 2004


Telly Alert. #028:

Sunday, 6 June:

Arrested Development, 1.22 : Let 'Em Eat Cake [Season Finale; second episode directed by Paul Feig].
Prediction: More of the funny.

The Sopranos, 5.13: All Due Respect [Season Finale].
Prediction: The Russian will return and kill everyone except P. Walnuts. Next season, with new executive producer Mark Burnett taking over for David Chase*, will focus on their attempts to open a coffee shop in Nutley. Non-spoiler TV Tome tidbits: "Johnny Sack turns up the heat; Carmela counts her blessings; Christopher has an unexpected visitor; A.J. demonstrates his business acumen."

*Chase will remain the show's "oneiric consultant" so expect the entire roster of characters to constantly haunt the dreamscapes of Valery and Paulie.

Deadwood, 1.11: Jewel's Boot is Made for Walking (written by Ricky Jay!).
Prediction: Sleight of hand and profanity.

posted by Linus | 7:12 AM

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


All the moves.

"Slash stepped forward repeatedly for solos that started with bent bluesy notes and headed for fast squiggles; the rhythm section had Guns N' Roses swing."

Jon Pareles on Velvet Revolver.

I've only heard "Slither", which is pretty decent, but who cares because the other day I was flipping around and landed on the M2 (yes, I continue to insist on using the old nomenclature hereā€”no "MTV2" for me!) and saw the VR viddy with Slash and Duff rocking out and it was 1987-y and awesome.

posted by Linus | 7:37 AM


Fun Movie News. #095:

Mamet and Ferrell.

posted by Linus | 7:23 AM

Monday, May 31, 2004



Then. They get lodged in the throats of little. OTTERS.

posted by Linus | 11:58 AM
