Quo Vadimus
Kind of Surviving

Saturday, August 02, 2003



Jason Newsted, former Metallica bassist, on the new Metallica album, St. Anger: "As a fan, it's pretty hard to listen to, tonality-wise. I think it's not very pleasing to the human ear. There's other albums that sound better, production-wise. Songwriting-wise, it's not bad. But I think that it could have been a lot more pleasant to listen to. If the [bonus] DVD would not have been [included] in the album, they would have been screwed. They redeemed themselves by putting in that DVD and showing that Lars [Ulrich] can actually play double-bass drums and stuff like that. Because I know, myself, as a fan, and a lot of other fans have questioned that for awhile — the actual abilities of the band anymore. So I'm really glad, as fan, that they put that DVD in."
- Blabbermouth.

Entire interview (6:42, Real Audio) from WBZX, 99.7, in Columbus, Ohio.

posted by Linus | 1:37 PM

Friday, August 01, 2003


The Cold War dressed in tennis shoes and a sweatband.

The McSweeney's site recently re-launched the Dear Mr. President letters series. Here's the opening paragraph from the newest letter:

Dear Mr. President,

I understand that during your free time you lift weights to bulk up. I too just started lifting weights, mainly because, as an incoming senior, I keep getting mistaken for an incoming freshman. I also threw up after running one lap sophomore year, which was rather embarrassing.

posted by Linus | 7:59 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2003


Fun Movie News. #009:

Owen Wilson as Murdoch?

posted by Linus | 7:31 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Turtles promoting other turtles.

In a word: smelly.

posted by Linus | 8:52 PM


Nooks and crannies.

I should probably get this.

posted by Linus | 1:13 PM


Fun Movie News. #008:

Bruce Campbell as "Elvis". Ossie Davis as "JFK".

Roger Avary points us to a trailer for Don Coscarelli's Bubba Ho-Tep.

posted by Linus | 8:00 AM

Sunday, July 27, 2003



For about six months circa 1984 I was into these rock pins because a few of my classmates were into these rock pins and it seemed like a good idea to be into these rock pins. I mean, they were neat little pins with pictures of album covers, band members, and logos. It all made sense: "Yes, I want a small, round image of Ozzy Osbourne dressed as a werewolf on my Members Only jacket, please." I never had that many, but I recall one nifty trade - I gave this kid Keith Tannenbaum a very bland Blue Oyster Cult pin (?! - I don't think I even knew who they were at that time) for an Iron Maiden Eddie pin (the cover of the Killers album). Garrett Grashuis* and Gordie Grant couldn't believe it. Borat-grade high-fives were executed. The consensus: a total steal. My prized pins were definitely my Van Halen collection. I had a few with the logo, and, of course, one depicting the 1984 album cover:

19 years later, I'm thinking it's time to get back into pins. Should I bid on these?:

[Note to Esselle: maybe you could make me a pin with that great capture of DFW wincing during the Charlie Rose interview?]

*I Google'd up Grashuis and was intrigued and pleased to see that he is still involved in the rock and roll with his band, Dade County Resistance. Back in middle school, he had a cream-colored Jackson guitar that he called the "Vanilla Machine." From time to time he'd call me when practicing and would take requests, or maybe there would be a kind of name-that-tune deal. He could play one helluva version of Cinderella's "Gypsy Road", that's for sure. Not to mention some solid runs through Appetite. A few times, he'd bring the axe over and teach an inept me how to play a barely-passable rendition of Poison's "Every Rose Has Its Thorn". From 4th grade through high school, he went from being all up in hard rock/metal/prog (going from pop-metal to thrashier fare; he let me borrow ... And Justice For All when it came out, a key moment in my sonic history) and expanded from there. I recall a mix tape he made for me circa 1990 or 1991 that was very R.E.M.-heavy, along with some Rush, The Replacements, Jane's Addiction, etc. And now DCR's Every Last Chance long-player "... explores a wide range of sounds that bridge the gap between punk rock and pop. There are plenty of hook laden riffs to go with the plush choruses and they always keep in mind their pop sensibilities. From the power-pop blasts of “Postcards to the Edge” (3.41 mb .mp3) and “Litmus” (3.25 mb .mp3) to the dark ballad-esque sway of “Magnet” and “Stranded”, this album shows the maturation of the group’s sound without losing their initial sonic edge." And a Tom Petty cover ("I Need To Know"), too.

posted by Linus | 8:52 PM


Intolerable Cruelty.

The Coens didn't write the original script (although they do have a writing credit), which may explain why this trailer does not really have that Joel and Ethan feeling. Then again, who cares? The Coens directed it, Roger Deakins shot it, and I'll view it.

posted by Linus | 8:12 PM


Telly Alert. #004*:

American Chopper (Discovery Channel).

This show has been on for months, but I didn't see it until a few days ago. It's awesome. Revel in the glory of the mighty Teutuls.

Check out some OCC bikes here.

[*4? Yeah, this is a "new" blog series, but I went back and series'd up 3 prior posts (The Wire, Project Greenlight, and Reno 911!) that fit with this topic. Ha ha.]

posted by Linus | 3:43 PM
