Saturday, September 13, 2003
The Brown Bunny. #013:
Mike D'Angelo gave The Brown Bunny a relative rave at Cannes (51/C+). He gives the new cut, now showing in Toronto, a 13-pt upgrade, which puts it in his B range:
The Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, USA): 64 (Cannes cut: 51)
[Much improved -- this is such a small, fragile film that it's hard to believe Gallo ever thought it should run two full hours. Ending still doesn't work, but at least now it's mildly unsatisfying rather than mind-bogglingly stupid. Driving sequences still intact, thank god.]
Gallo, Intercontinental Hotel patio, Wednesday, 9/10/03. Picture from Jeff Wells's Hollywood Elsewhere column.
posted by Linus |
11:57 AM